I have thought about this for some time, being a first time designer (and soon to be first time publisher), I thought it would be good to have a place to share not just my own thoughts but those of others who devote their time and resources to posting helpful and informative information online for the benefit of all.
So if you are creator or just curious check in and see what the man behind the curtain is doing :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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[New Magic Item] Odd Blue Hammer - Odd Blue Hammer Grolak laughed as he raised his blue war hammer high, his opponent, Hyreb the Luckless had just transformed into a ghoul and fled into the ...23 hours ago
“The Finger” - On the upper right corner of the latest hexmap (The Autumn Lands, Map H) is a strange stone outcropping (requested … Continue reading →1 day ago
The Best Of 2015 Part 2 - Listing the best posts offered at Campaign Mastery in the second third of 2015. What do you do when you discover that the table of data that was to be the ...2 days ago
How much is enough? - I look a one-page game like "Honey Heist" and have to seriously wonder when I play it. How much of the game is embedded in the rules written on the page...2 days ago
"Dear JB" Mailbag #17 - [**sigh**] *Dear JB:* *All the games I play in these days eschew XP entirely and use milestone and story-based leveling instead. I like not having one ext...3 days ago
Ptolus: Running the Campaign – Recalling the Lore - DISCUSSING In the Shadow of the Spire – Session 44A: Whorehouse of Terror Agnarr flew into a rage. “Stay away from her!” The serpent-men in the far hall ha...5 days ago
Lexicon of Klarkash-Ton, Hierophant of Atlantis: Calenture - Clark Ashton Smith makes me very thanksful for electronic readers; I've never read anything by him that didn't include at least one word I'd never encou...5 days ago
Instant Encounter Inspiration - Today’s tip is inspired by Wizard of Adventure ExileInParadise who used images in a clever way for his session two weeks ago. He described each encounter...1 week ago
Fight On! number 16 is out. - The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via drivethru or lulu. I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...1 week ago
Trollish Delver moving - In an effort to get away from the shadow of Google this blog can now be found at www.trollish-delver.writeas.com.1 week ago
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier - One of the best things to happen in the “old school” gaming community in the past year is the return of the amazing fanzine *Fight On! * *Issue 16* has jus...1 week ago
2024 Monster Manual on a Business Card v2: legendary edition - In my post 2024 Monster Manual on a Business Card, where I tried to extrapolate WOTC monster building rules from the 2024 Monster Manual, I have a lot of c...2 weeks ago
Forever unto the breach, dear friends... - Sorry, I haven't been around. But it's for all the right reasons. My roleplaying card is constantly filled, these days. I started Once More Unto the Brea...1 month ago
Prependix N - A mere 10 months ago (hot of the presses by what James refers to as our shambolic standards), “The Problem with Appendix N” over at Grognardia lamented: Ye...1 month ago
Christ is Born! - He whom nothing can contain has been contained in a womb. He is in the Father’s bosom and His Mother’s embrace. How can this be, but as He knows and w...2 months ago
Kanoodle as In-Game Puzzle - Part 1 - For a very long time, I've been interested in integrating real puzzles into my tabletop games. I know that some folks prefer to keep character skills separ...3 months ago
Undead Handmines - Undead Handmines A seasonal trap/encounter for yuor RPG campaigns. * Undead Handmines* A fields of earth, sand, or gravel concealing bound undead that...4 months ago
Mass Combat 3: Delta's Book of War (and its inspiration) - Back in the early days of the Old School Revival, Delta's D&D Hotspot was a place to go for thoughtful design and scholarship, firmly rooted in th...8 months ago
A Short Update - Nothing new to share in terms of D&D stuff, but I have to say I've been a little more productive on another project now that all social media site...1 year ago
This is an Important Game Mechanic - *"That's the GM's Regional Map from my AOWG. And it's a damned good regional map. It's not a good map for a Simple Homebrew Campaig...2 years ago
Abiørn's Satchel - This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and sh...3 years ago
Old-School Essentials Online Tools and SRD - My 2nd favorite incarnation, OSE, of my favorite D&D rule set, B/X. [My 1st favorite is Necrotic Gnome's previous, B/X Essentials, cause it was so...5 years ago
Please Update Your Link! - If you're seeing this, it means your link to the Greyhawk Grognard blog is out of date. Please update your link to www.greyhawkgrognard.com (RSS feed is h...6 years ago
FREE Version of Microlite20 Comprehensive Edition Now Available - The Pay What You Want/Free (no art) version of the *Microlite20 Comphrensive Edition* is now available. *Microlite20* is a tiny version of 3.x designed to ...6 years ago
Session XCIII: One Pissed Off Dragon! - Our ongoing Swords and Wizardry sandbox campaign... *Current Player Characters:* *Thenus* (Ranger) *Wang Du* (Monk) *Wolfheir* (Viking) *Arg* (Half-orc) ...7 years ago
Adventure Lookup - This looks like a handy resource : AdventureLookup.com Looks like more than 200 1e/B/x/osr adventures in the database so far. Should come in handy next tim...7 years ago
Eurafrika Attacks! [Campaign Idea] - Around about 1929, a German architect by the name of Herman Sörgel came with an idea he called Atlantropa. The idea was simple (no, not really) - he was go...7 years ago
It's hard to do horror in D&D - I love the Ravenloft setting, but I have to admit that it is really hard to pull off horror games with Dungeons & Dragons. The biggest issue is clerics...7 years ago
The curious anger against The Forge - I read a post earlier this week that was one of those that makes you wonder what world the poster lives in. The thrust of the argument was that The Forge h...8 years ago
Appendix N: May 2016 Edition - I've been looking for some decent bookcases for about four years. I finally came across the bookcases, above, which a used bookstore were getting rid ...8 years ago
Eureka! Password Recovered - Gee, that only took forever. First, I would like to apologize from my prolonged absence from this blog. There are several reasons. I had some major life up...9 years ago
unlikely treasures 2: even still more loot for the taking - Roll d12 for the loot! 1. *Matched set of masterwork half-plate & masterwork heavy shield with silver shield spikes (1400gp).* Weighs 70lbs...10 years ago
[Campaign Analysis] Deadlands Reloaded: Lost in the Maze - My *Deadlands* campaign wrapped up yesterday. As is my wont, with the closure of another campaign it's now time to take a look at "[w]hat worked, what di...11 years ago
Bardic Songcasting - Building off of the outline of the Bard class, here is how they cast spells: Bardic Songcasting Bards perform their songs by singing, dancing, or playing...11 years ago
Closing Today - The Underdark Gazette will go Down, sometime after 11:00 PM, Central Time, this evening. Please, if you would be so kind, update your links to my new blog ...13 years ago